We have taken the time-consuming process of internal audits of apartments subject to New York City rent regulations, automated it, and provide a suite of tools and resources for you to gain insight into your buildings current standings with the laws of New York City. Using artificial intelligence, our proprietary and industry-leading platform can extract and organize data from your DHCR records, court files, and lease files.
Speed is unmatched
Seamlessly upload, organize, search, review, and compare regulatory permissible increases and thresholds in an easy-to-use dashboard. Make more informed business decisions, uncover hidden costs or expose liabilities and/or opportunities. A comprehensive overview of the data is essential, and Rent IQ’s unique dashboard clearly displays all necessary information, allowing the user to successfully and efficiently spot, quantify, manage, and reduce risk. Your entire building can be downloaded in excel making it easy to respond to audit requests and legal challenges.
Focused only on NYC
The entire platform has been built from the ground up specifically for rent regulations in New York City. It is more accurate than manual review alone, thereby minimizing the risk of missing key data due to inexperienced staff or time-pressured users. We bring accuracy and speed to rent regulatory due diligence and internal audits. Hazy or haphazard information comes into sharper focus helping you understand and reduce the risk associated with missing data or changing regulatory mandates.
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Rent IQ LLC is not a law firm, and its employees are not acting as your attorney or providing legal advice. Rent IQ LLC provides only administrative and software services, leaving all legal representation or advice to your third-party attorneys.